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UL Standards & Engagement Technical Committee Member

Congratulations on being part of the UL Standards & Engagement, Inc. (ULSE) Technical Committee member digital badging program! As a TC member you are a vital part of the collaborative process to publish our standards and generate a positive, global impact on safety, security, and sustainability. By accessing or utilizing the assets of this program, you agree to adhere to these Terms and Conditions. These guidelines are designed to help you effectively leverage your badge, and apply to all visitors, recipients, and others who access, view, or utilize the assets of this program.

Digital membership badges and certificates are assets distributed only to active technical committee members by UL Standards & Engagement (ULSE Inc.) through the Accredible platform. These assets are hosted at credentials.ul.org. Each credential is uniquely tied by email address to the individual member it has been issued to by ULSE. These credentials each have a unique Credential ID. It is prohibited for anyone other than the intended recipient to access or share the credential once issued.

Links to Other Websites

The digital badging program allows sharing of program assets to third party websites from the Accredible issuance page. In addition to adhering to ULSE’s Terms & Conditions when sharing outside of the Accredible platform, we strongly advise recipients to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of any third-party web sites, platforms, or services before sharing.

Access & Sharing

ULSE digital membership badges and certificates are only intended to signify voluntary Technical Committee membership on one or more committees and no other association with the ULSE organization. There are three ways to interact with these assets once received. Under no circumstances may ULSE digital membership badges and certificates be downloaded as a PDF, PNG, or otherwise copied from the hosted Accredible URL. All sharing must utilize integrated functionality provided by Accredible or direct linking of the Accredible and ULSE hosted credential URL.

Adding to LinkedIn Profile

Utilizing the “Add to LinkedIn Profile” functionality to embed the assets to the recipient’s LinkedIn profile page is allowed. This functionality through Accredible auto populates the assets into the Licenses & Certifications section of the recipient’s profile. Alternatively, these assets can also be manually referenced by the recipient in the Volunteering section of their LinkedIn profile. It is strictly prohibited to reference these assets in the Experience section of LinkedIn as this is a misrepresentation of the recipient’s association with ULSE.

Sharing to Social feeds

Through Accredible’s social share functionality there may be integrated social media platforms for connected sharing. When applicable, using this functionality may include auto populated copy to accompany the link to the assets. This copy is managed by ULSE within Accredible and is set as “I'm proud to share I've joined a @UL Standards & Engagement technical committee where I will contribute to the standards development process alongside other industry leaders. This important work will help create a safer world for all. #ULSETCmember”. Utilizing this language, hashtag and profile tagging is recommended.

Direct link sharing

Recipients may copy and paste the URL of the assets to share directly to others to view. The assets will only be visible on the page they are hosted.

Code of Ethics compliance

When sharing links to ULSE digital badge or certificates, and making statements in connection with them, please remember that under the Code of Ethics Policy applicable to technical committee participants: (a) the name or influence of UL Standards & Engagement is not to be utilized for personal purposes, and (b) participants must avoid misleading statements, including taking appropriate steps to portray public statements they make as not statements of UL Standards & Engagement but rather the personal opinion or position of the participant.

Termination & Expiration

ULSE may revoke or expire individual badges immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if you breach these Terms and Conditions.

ULSE will complete bi-yearly review of distributed digital badge recipients and expire those who have gone without an active Technical Committee membership for six or more months. When expired the badge and certificate will still be accessible to the recipient but will be marked as expired when viewed with the following expiration reason listed: “This Digital Badge had expired due to inactive Technical Committee Member Status”

In cases of misuse, ULSE may permanently delete the badge and certificate from the Accredible system.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these terms can contact us by email at stakeholdervoice@ul.org

Earning Criteria



Active voluntary technical committee membership on at least one ULSE Technical Committee. Committee members freely volunteer their time and expertise to UL standards development


These assets are based purely on active voluntary membership and are not the result of a professional certification program.